Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Walking Taco - Fiesta Party in Your Mouth

The other weekend at our tailgate against Auburn, our friends Andy and Heidi introduced us to a tailgating item that we have never seen before.  

We have a tendancy to often claim recipes as "The Best Ever" but seriously, this was one is really up there. Let us introduce to you.....the Walking Taco!  Basically, the walking taco is an individual size bag of Doritos that is snipped open, crunched up and then topped with all your favorite taco goodies.  Grab a fork and you have yourself a Walking Taco!  This is perhaps the simplest, easiest, most innovative tailgating food ever! 

From what we hear about these snacks it sounds like they originated from the Mid-west...our friend is from Kansas.  But, we definitely want to bring these down South. 

1 comment:

  1. We used to do these with small bags of fritos.....SO GOOD!
